Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Can I sleep with you?

Paisley is a very good sleeper and has been sleeping through the night for a while now. She usually gets up at 6 to eat and then will go back to sleep. Noah usually gets up anywhere from 7 to 8. His favorite thing to do once he is up is to check on Paisley. I try to keep him out so she can sleep, but I'm not always successful. This day I actually got Noah to leave her alone. We were downstairs playing and cleaning up when he disappeared upstairs. This is not unusual because if he starts to get tired he goes to his room to get his blankets. The only problem is that he didn't come back. I went to go check on him and this is what I found. He found the pack-n-play mattress that he set down by the crib then brought his pillow and blankets in with Paisley to sleep. Of course I got the camera and then helped him clean up. It never occurred to me to leave him there and see how long he would stay. I guess I just really don't trust leaving him alone in a room with her that long.

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