Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bee sting

Noah got stung by his first bee today. I'm a little surprised it hasn't happen sooner due to all the golf he plays in the yard. We were in the backyard when he kicked off his shoes to play. Matt had just come home from work and was going to put the lawnmower away for me when Noah started running after him. Then he just stopped and started crying and limping. Matt picked him up and pulled something out of his foot then put him back down. He came running to me for a kiss and when I looked at it he had a big white spot on his foot. I asked Matt what he pulled out of his foot and his comment was something like a thorn. After looking at it again we realized it was the stinger of the bee. We wiped it down and tried to apply ice as Noah limped around the kitchen. The pain didn't last to long because he soon decided to run around the living room. I tried to take a picture, but couldn't get him to sit still long enough. Luckily we now know that he is not allergic!! We were watching very carefully.