We hadn't seen Dean and Debbie in a while so we took a trip out to Maryville. Noah always has fun playing with new toys and the grandparents always have something fun to do. Today they had a big Styrofoam airplane ready to put together and fly. Once Dean had it assembled he showed it to Noah who got very excited. (He loves to point out any aircraft in the sky lately.) After flying it back and forth a few times it was Noah's turn to try. It didn't go far, but he thought it was great. The only problem was he wanted to do it again and didn't realize how big and heavy the plane really was...oops! It does still fly though.
Dean and Debbie also like to make cookies with Noah and found the cutest little outfit for him to wear. He was very proud of himself. Of course it is always more fun to eat the cookies in the process.
Paisley found other ways to entertain herself. Mainly eating and sleeping.
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