Saturday, January 31, 2009

Growing Up

Noah has been very interesting to watch lately. It amazes me how much he picks up from us and things around him. He has always been very smart in that if you show him how to do something once he can do it himself from then on out. Sometimes this is not a good thing, but I'm glad he is learning. This week was no different than others, but so much fun to watch.

So now you are asking why did you just post a picture of a baby gate against the wall...because that's what it may look like to you, but to me this is where Noah took the gate off the steps and placed it himself against the wall so he could go take a nap upstairs. We have never had a need to attach the gate to the wall because he has never bothered it. (Only bedrooms are upstairs and he knows that the only time we go up there is to go to bed.) He usually just goes to the gate and either makes noise or bangs on it to let us know he is ready for a nap. However, in the last two days he has tried to move it and then today actually put it against the wall where we keep it when not using it.
Picnic by Noah
This picture is actually from today with Matt. The story happened yesterday though and is fairly similar. I was in the playroom working on some sewing while Noah was playing. He had already been in the kitchen collecting a few bowls to carry around the house. Then he walked into the room with a plastic folk and napkin package from a restaurant. The next thing I know is that he had it opened and using it eat with his bowls. Not a big deal because he loves to use silverware now. However, this is what blows my mind....he then proceeds to take his bowls, folk, and sippy cup to his table to sit down and eat. He comes back for the napkin, opens it, sits down, and places it on his lap. After taking a bite he uses the napkin to wipe his mouth. I found this so fascinating to watch since Noah doesn't use a napkin at the table. He occasionally does ask to use his washcloth and help clean up, but I guess I wasn't expecting him to do it on his own. I know I should have grabbed the camera, but I was just content to watch what he would do next instead of interrupting. He ended up ripping a little corner of the napkin and decided to use it as a place mat instead after that. Needless to say Noah knows how to entertain himself and be careful what you do because he may just be watching you.